Gamma Camera
Dual head GE gamma camera with SPECT & SPECT-CT fusion capabilities
High resolution, dual head detector gamma camera. Best suited for patient comfort with minimum on table scanning time.
All nuclear medicine diagnostic scans like
- Endocrinology – thyroid scan, parathyroid scan, I -131 scan, MIBG scan
- Cardiology – myocardial perfusion imaging (Thallium scan),
- WB Bone scan – evaluation of skeletal metastases and benign conditions like osteomyelitis
- Renal imaging – diuretic renogram, DMSA scan, captopril renogram, VCUG
- Gastroenterology – GI bleed, meckel’s scan, GER / milk scan, HIDA scan etc can be optimally performed on this scanner
Thyroid scan

Increased thyroid trapping function demonstrated on Tc 99m thyroid scan in suspected case of Graves’disease.

Tc 99m- MAA scintigraphy demonstrating perfusion defect involving superior segment of lower lobe of left lung suggesting pulmonary embolism involving segmental artery.

Tc 99m MDP Bone scan showing acute osteomyelitis involving mid –distal shaft of right tibia.
DTPA renogram | PUJ / VUJ obstruction, obstructive nephropathy, GFR estimation |
EC renogram | ERPF and relative function assessment. Evaluation of obstructive nephropathy in pediatric patients & adult patients with deranged KFTs |
DMSA scan | Renal scarring, acute & chronic pyelonephritis, ectopic kidney, renal agenesis, relative function assessment. |
VUR study | Detection & grading of VUR. Suprapubic injection, no risk of ascending infection, less radiation, easy to repeat |
Captopril renogram | Renovascular hypertension. |
Bone Scan | Metastatic workup, metabolic bone disease, osteoporosis (at risk sites identification), Sports injuries, avascular necrosis, CRPS, plantar fasciitis etc. |
Nuclear cardiology Stress MPI / thallium Pharmacological stress MPI (for patients with difficulty in conducting TMT) | Diagnosis and functional assessment of CAD. Pre-operative cardiac risk assessment. Post CABG / angioplasty assessment of re-stenosis. |
Viability study (Rest MIBI) or FDG cardiac PET) Muga scan V / Q scan | LVEF assessment, wall motion |
Ventilation / Perfusion scan | Pulmonary thromboembolism,
Predict PFT changes after pneumonectomy / lobectomy, Assess severity of pulmonary artery stenosis & follow up after therapy. |
Lymphoscintigraphy | Assessment of lymphoedema |
Endocrinology Parathyroid imaging Thyroid scan | Parathyroid adenoma Primary hyperthyroidism v/s thyroiditis nodule, congenital hypothyroidism, ectopic thyroid |
MIBG scan | Pheochromocytoma, Paraganglioma & other Neuroendocrine Tumors |
Radionuclide Therapy Low dose radioiodine therapy | Treatment of Graves’ disease, toxic nodular Goiter & non- toxic nodular goiter |
Gastroenterology Meckel’s scan HIDA scan (pediatric ) GER study / Milk scan RN Cholescintigraphy | For suspected cases of Meckel’s diverticulum
Evaluation of neonatal cholestasis Diagnosing and grading GER Acute / chronic cholecystitis & biliary dyskinesia |
DTPA renogram | PUJ / VUJ obstruction, obstructive nephropathy, GFR estimation |
EC renogram | ERPF and relative function assessment. Evaluation of obstructive nephropathy in pediatric patients & adult patients with deranged KFTs |
DMSA scan | Renal scarring, acute & chronic pyelonephritis, ectopic kidney, renal agenesis, relative function assessment. |
VUR study | Detection & grading of VUR. Suprapubic injection, no risk of ascending infection, less radiation, easy to repeat |
Captopril renogram | Renovascular hypertension. |
Bone Scan | Metastatic workup, metabolic bone disease, osteoporosis (at risk sites identification), Sports injuries, avascular necrosis, CRPS, plantar fasciitis etc. |
Nuclear cardiology Stress MPI / thallium Pharmacological stress MPI (for patients with difficulty in conducting TMT) | Diagnosis and functional assessment of CAD. Pre-operative cardiac risk assessment. Post CABG / angioplasty assessment of re-stenosis. |
Viability study (Rest MIBI) or FDG cardiac PET) Muga scan V / Q scan | LVEF assessment, wall motion |
Ventilation / Perfusion scan | Pulmonary thromboembolism, Predict PFT changes after pneumonectomy / lobectomy, Assess severity of pulmonary artery stenosis & follow up after therapy. |
Lymphoscintigraphy | Assessment of lymphoedema |
Endocrinology Parathyroid imaging Thyroid scan | Parathyroid adenoma Primary hyperthyroidism v/s thyroiditis nodule, congenital hypothyroidism, ectopic thyroid |
MIBG scan | Pheochromocytoma, Paraganglioma & other Neuroendocrine Tumors |
Radionuclide Therapy Low dose radioiodine therapy | Treatment of Graves’ disease, toxic nodular Goiter & non- toxic nodular goiter |
Gastroenterology Meckel’s scan HIDA scan (pediatric ) GER study / Milk scan RN Cholescintigraphy | For suspected cases of Meckel’s diverticulum Evaluation of neonatal cholestasis Diagnosing and grading GER Acute / chronic cholecystitis & biliary dyskinesia |